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Not Call Center

We are not a call center

Dislike call centers?

We are for you..!

If you dislike call centers or have had a bad experience with a call centre either offshore or within your local area we are sympathetic.

Offshore call centers has been unfairly tarnished by these '1 size fits all' remote providers with much of the public assuming that to 'work offshore' means to engage with an impersonal, low accountability call/contact center.

At Integra, we absolutely reject the entire concept of call or contact center.

The service we deliver represents the opposite of this outdated and problematic failed mass processing corporate model.

How and why Integra is not a call center

Why we dislike Call Centers

At Integra we know that every client is unique. Predefined processes and call center processing fails to meet individual client requirement, provide a true personal experience and exceed customer expectations. Integra staff understands your company, your methods and will customize their interactions with your customers.

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