+1 412 267 1529
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Gain Flexibility

Gain flexibility

Extraordinary flexibility, more staff or less whenever you desire

Integra delivers the flexibility you need. Add more resource or less at no additional cost. You have absolute control

Restrictive, costly labor and tax regulations? Never again!

Never be subject to restrictive labor laws, compliance or regulation costs again
Hire or fire as you desire
No notice period

Extraordinary daily control

Your long term international staff, trained by you to deliver your property management your way

Never pay to find, recruit and train property management staff again

Integra will assume the cost of recruitment, training and retention

Delight your clients; faster, smarter, cheaper and to a higher quality

Dedicated long term, reliable, experienced resource focused only on your clients' satisfaction

Leverage our 19+ years experience

Integra has been the global leader in offshore property management across the USA, Canada and UK for 18+ years

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Dozens of property management firms now outsource their back office...who never thought they could

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